Intro: Hello everyone, I'm 20 years old, my name is Shiyion, my friends call "Shigh," I like to have fun . . . laugh . . . girls. I'm currently enrolled at Davidson; I recently got laid off from my last nine to five but my tattooing business has been paying the bills!
Q: How often do you tattoo?
A: It really depends; some weeks I can tat 8 people, others 2. Just this last week I tattooed nine people in 3 days. It really fluctuates.
Q: As you were growing up, what inspired you to pick up this skill?
Q: As you were growing up, what inspired you to pick up this skill?
A: I always been an artist . . . but once my best friend began tattooing, I knew I could do it too, because I was just as good of an artist.
Q: Describe your first customers reaction? How do you think you did?
A: My first customers reaction . . . she was real happy; her sister even got one after her. I was pretty impressed.
Q: Do you have a shop? If not, any names in mind?
A: Nope, I don’t have a shop yet & no names as of yet . . . but I have been talking to a few guys in tuff city about an apprenticeship, so if all goes well I plan on landing a permanent position.
Q: Would you say tattooing is a lucrative business?
A: It could be lucrative depending on the artists experience and the location of the tattoo shop. Some places charge $150.00 by the hour; that's where I plan on being. I need to gain more experience and find a good location where I can make some real money.
Q: Shortest/Longest time spent working:
Q: Shortest/Longest time spent working:
A: The shortest amount of time I spent on a tattoo would have to be literally three seconds; I put a “mole” next to a girls eye . . . the longest was some rib tribal tattoo I did for this girl, it took maybe 7/8 hours . . . it was pretty big.
Q: If you had one wish to benefit your business, what would it be?
Q: If you had one wish to benefit your business, what would it be?
A: A good location . . . send me to Cali!!! Put me down with Kat Von D and I'm good! Im Ready!
Stay tuned for an exciting portfolio put together by Shigh. Coming Soon. Follow him (@CrazyAura) on (